How to Relieve Your Knee Pain with Accurate Diagnosis and Treatment
One of the most common knee injuries requiring arthroscopic surgery is a torn meniscus. Now, you may be wondering exactly what is a meniscus and more importantly what purpose does it serve.
There are two C-shaped rubbery discs called menisci located within the knee joint between the tibia (shin bone) and the femur (thigh bone).
How Knee Pain Caused by an ACL Tear is Diagnosed and Treated
Plans for a blog series addressing one of our most common patient complaint has been on our topic list for some time. We recently visited the new Hard Rock Stadium for a University of Miami Hurricane game and here, in this brand new setting being in the midst of football season, seemed like the perfect time to launch our new series on knee pain.
How to Address Your Fracture and Informative Casting Facts
Breaking a bone can be a very traumatic incident. However, fractures are extremely common resulting in millions of emergent visits to orthopedic physicians annually for care. Perhaps you were active in the past and incurred multiple fractures from either participating in sports, climbing the monkey bars on a school playground, bike riding, skateboarding, or roller skating.
Spotlight on Popular Dancer’s Decision to become a Medical Student
Do you recall your favorite pastime as a child? Some children enjoy sports and hope to be the next Lebron James or Peyton Manning. Others believe they will have their break on The Voice or some other “talent search” show. Well for Kim, she loved dancing, more than anything. She wanted to be famous ballerina and her heart was set on that dream.
What are the Best Official Alternatives to Cupping
Are you one of the estimated 25 million viewers who have tuned into the 2016 Rio Summer Olympics? If so, undoubtedly you have noticed the round discolorations on the upper back of several of the Olympic athletes, including Michael Phelps.
These suction cup appearing patterns harken visions of the earliest Olympians being on the losing end of an epic battle with a Kraken!
Focus on Growth from Undergrad to Orthopedic Medical Student
Dr. Bruce Fletcher was born and raised in south Florida. He studied, as an undergrad, at the University of Miami where he found the journey to become a medical student very competitive. Part 1 of our series revealed how only a fraction of applicants are accepted into medical school. US News and World Report recently published an article with data that less than 7% of applicants to 115 ranked medical schools were accepted.
Orthopedic surgeon gives valuable time and expert advice to students
Imagine you were in the top tier of your graduating class but in the midst of your second year at the University of Miami Medical School, you do not feel the same level of confidence appreciated as an undergrad. Medical school is a whole different ballgame. Nevertheless, your gross anatomy department has asked you to assist teaching extremity anatomy to the combined MD/PhD students.
How to gain experience when you shadow in a medical setting
Getting accepted into medical school is not an easy task. The application process is grueling for a reason. Medical schools want only extremely motivated, intelligent individuals that will be able to withstand the rigorous educational demands of pursuing a path in medicine. Having the ability to show the admissions committee that the student has outstanding academic grades and MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) scores is not enough;
How to easily overcome your trigger finger pain now
All of the grilling, serving, and cleanup is finally complete; now the time has come to sit back, relax, and enjoy some 4th of July fireworks with your family and friends but it happens again. You go to reach for a giant sparkler only to have your finger suddenly lock up! You are not alone,