Finding the Source of Your Hand Pain and How To Treat it

Common Sources of Hand Pain and How to Treat It

Pain of any sort isn’t fun but hand pain can reduce your quality of life dramatically. Since our hands are something we use daily, it becomes a major inconvenience to have pain with any sort of movement or task. If you’re wondering why you have hand pain there are many different causes and types of pain.

Learning about Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis

Pain is a frustrating thing to deal with, especially if you don’t know why it’s happening. Arthritis is a common type of pain that afflicts humans of all ages. The most common type of arthritis is Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis but there are actually over 100 different types of arthritis. Almost 300,000 babies and children have arthritis or a rheumatic condition and about 54 million adults have doctor-diagnosed arthritis.